Paraguay: Showing How Risk & Opportunity Go Hand In Hand

Paraguay: Showing How Risk & Opportunity Go Hand In Hand

Important Update: Recent data has significantly impacted the conclusions in this article. For the most current insights and developments, please visit this link.

FUD — Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt — has long been intertwined with Bitcoin's narrative, coloring perceptions since the dawn of this transformative technology. Born from a revolutionary break from conventional financial systems, Bitcoin's journey was invariably met with skepticism from traditional circles and confusion among newcomers.

In recent times, however, a positive shift in opinion towards Bitcoin and its secure blockchain foundational technology is observed, with more and more governments now embracing Bitcoin, enabling Bitcoin mining and with investment institutions including Bitcoin to their portfolios and recently even created Bitcoin-based ETFs. Still, regularly, FUD news hits the headlines when countries or organisations communicate to take action against Bitcoin and/or its associated mining industry, as we now see, for a second time in 2 years, in Paraguay where a group of senators for a second time has indicated wanting to pass legislation on Bitcoin mining with a potential temporary ban on mining until this legislation has been voted for and implemented.

It is precisely the pioneering spirit of Bitcoin and blockchain that has fuelled Green Mining DAO’s quest to handle past, present, and future challenges within the Bitcoin mining sector. For example, we have proactively prepared for the upcoming Bitcoin halving by increasing our mining capacity, reducing our overhead costs and optimising our operations and thus energy consumption, on top of having negotiated a preferential rate of renewable energy. As such, we have positioned ourselves solidly as a market leader in anticipation of the expected reduction in mining income. Similarly, we engage with the current news and its potential impact on our operations in Paraguay. We have embarked on a 48-hour strategic analysis of the situation to ensure we navigate these currents with agility and foresight. We proudly present these insights and our proposed next steps in this document in the detailed and transparent way you have become used to from us. Our commitment to maintaining the stability and growth of our operations amidst any potential market or regulatory changes remains unchanged.

Understanding the Landscape

1. Energy Diplomacy and Strategic Implications

Understanding the intricate energy dynamics between Brazil and Paraguay is crucial, particularly in light of the shared ownership and history of the Itaipu Power Dam. This monumental hydroelectric resource, co-financed by Brazil and subsequently repaid by Paraguay by 2023, represents a cornerstone of Paraguay's energy strategy and economic development.

Historically, Brazil agreed to purchase any excess energy produced by Paraguay at production costs — a deal that has significantly influenced the energy landscape of both nations. Currently, Paraguay utilizes merely 17% of its 50% share, selling the remaining 33% back to Brazil at cost. While facilitating the repayment of Paraguay's debt, this arrangement has not yielded direct profits but has funded vital energy and infrastructure bodies within Paraguay.

With the loan repayment complete, the stage was set for renegotiations in 2024 for a new energy tariff agreement. Yet, three months into the year, a stalemate persists. Despite multiple discussions between the heads of state, a consensus has yet to be reached, primarily because Paraguay seeks to raise the energy tariff to $20 per MW from the existing $16 to fund critical infrastructural upgrades for economic growth. Conversely, Brazil resists this increase, citing potential adverse effects on its economy and the welfare of its poorest citizens.

This deadlock has escalated to a crisis, marked by unmet salary payments for the Itaipu team, threats of energy purchase terminations from Brazil, and Paraguay's consideration of bringing the matter to international arbitration. Amidst this, Paraguay's ambition to foster internal industrial development and reduce its dependency on Brazilian energy purchases is evident. Efforts to attract foreign investment from the Middle East and Asia are underway, seeking to capitalize on the country's energy surplus.

Bitcoin mining, consuming 5% of Itaipu's energy, emerges as a pivotal industry. It represents a growing sector that benefits from and contributes to Paraguay's push for energy independence and economic diversification. The industry's significant energy consumption, combined with the country's strategic pivot towards attracting foreign investment and industrial development, underpins our confidence in the improbability of a mining ban. This context reinforces the belief that Paraguay will continue to nurture, rather than stifle, the growing Bitcoin mining sector as a key player in its economic and energy strategy.

2. Legislative Developments

A legislative proposal by 11 senators from Paraguay's Colorado party is at the forefront of the country's current discourse on Bitcoin mining. This bill, aimed at instituting a temporary suspension of new Bitcoin mining operations, underscores concerns over electricity theft and the broader impact on the national grid, spotlighting the challenges posed by illicit Bitcoin mining activities.

Critical aspects of the proposed legislation include:

  • Targeted Concerns: The bill's core addresses the issue of unauthorized Bitcoin mining, which has been implicated in electricity theft and contributes to grid instability. This focus distinguishes between illegal and legally established operations, emphasizing the need for regulatory clarity.

  • Contextual Backdrop: The legislative move follows a period marked by significant energy disruptions during the summer and a series of enforcement actions, including raids by ANDE (Paraguay's National Energy Company) and law enforcement on over fifty illegal mining sites in the first quarter of the year alone.

  • Legislative Process: Authored by 11 senators, the bill represents a significant proportion of the congressional body, totalling 45 members. It reflects a concerted effort within the legislative assembly to address the increasing issue of Bitcoin mining regulation.

  • Regulatory Clarity: The proposal's essence lies in its call for definitive legal guidelines governing the Bitcoin mining industry. Suggesting a pause on mining activities for up to 180 days or until such regulations are established underscores the pressing need for structured oversight within the sector.

This legislative initiative signifies a pivotal moment for Bitcoin mining in Paraguay, highlighting the balance between fostering technological innovation and ensuring the responsible use of national resources. Green Mining DAO warmly welcomes regulations and legislation on Bitcoin mining in Paraguay. As a fully legal organisation with clear and transparent contracts in place for its energy use, Green Mining DAO concurs with Paraguay in its efforts to stimulate the development of a sustainable and profitable Bitcoin mining industry, providing an additional long-term financial stimulus to the country’s economy while coming down hard on any illegal practices, be that in the Bitcoin mining industry or any other market segment.

3. Economic Ramifications of Mining Suspension and Tariff Negotiations

The intricate interplay between the ongoing tariff negotiations with Brazil and the potential suspension of Bitcoin mining operations holds significant implications for Paraguay's economy and governmental fiscal strategy. Here's an in-depth analysis of the potential economic impact:

  • Strategic Energy Pricing and National Development: The prevailing energy tariff paid by Brazil, currently at $16 per MW, is a critical factor influencing Paraguay's strategic move towards enhancing its domestic energy consumption. Paraguay's ambition to increase the tariff to $20 per MW is not merely a fiscal preference but a strategic endeavor to bolster national revenue, which could influence the country's stance on Bitcoin mining operations. A favorable adjustment in the tariff could alleviate some of the financial pressures, possibly making a case for continuing Bitcoin mining operations more compelling due to their significant energy consumption and contribution to the economy.

  • Impact of Tariff Adjustments on the Mining Sector: The mining industry, particularly legal Bitcoin mining operations, is subject to tariffs ranging between $42 to $57 per MW, markedly higher than the rates in the Brazil-Paraguay negotiations. This disparity underscores the potential financial implications for the mining sector should Paraguay secure its desired increase. The additional revenue from Brazil could theoretically reduce the economic reliance on Bitcoin mining and provide the government more flexibility in supporting the industry through infrastructural investments or regulatory adaptations.

  • Infrastructure Investment and Budgetary Considerations: An increase in the energy tariff received from Brazil could be a game-changer for Paraguay's infrastructure investment plans. With an estimated requirement of $600 million for annual infrastructure development, a raised tariff could significantly contribute to closing the current $300 million budget shortfall. This financial augmentation could provide Paraguay with the fiscal bandwidth to support and regulate Bitcoin mining operations more effectively, recognizing their potential economic contributions amidst broader infrastructural and energy strategy considerations.

  • The Dual Economic Challenge: The potential suspension of Bitcoin mining, juxtaposed with the tariff negotiations with Brazil, presents a dual economic challenge for Paraguay. On the one hand, the loss of revenue from legal Bitcoin mining during a suspension could exacerbate the country's financial strain, especially if the negotiations with Brazil do not yield the desired tariff increase. On the other hand, successful negotiations could offset some of these financial pressures and even create additional leeway for supporting the mining sector as part of a broader economic development strategy.

The outcome of the tariff negotiations with Brazil and the decision on Bitcoin mining suspension are closely intertwined with Paraguay's economic health and developmental ambitions. A strategic approach, balancing the benefits of increased energy tariffs with the financial contributions of Bitcoin mining, could define Paraguay's fiscal trajectory and its position in the global Bitcoin landscape.

Enhanced Strategic Diversification

In an era of rapid technological advancements and regulatory shifts, our commitment to strategic diversification has never been more critical. For Green Mine #003 and future facilities, our proactive exploration of alternative site locations — including Uruguay, Peru, India, Ethiopia and various European countries in the short to mid-term and ASEAN and southern African countries in the mid to long-term — underscores our resolve to ensure operational continuity and resilience against regulatory uncertainties through a solid geographic diversification at the very core of the DAO’s strategy and operations. As such, we will timely develop our next mining site, co-mining site GM3, at a location which makes the most sense from a cost-efficiency, sustainability and risk-reward profile perspective, be this Paraguay or any other location. This approach not only safeguards our operations but also secures the investments entrusted to us by our shareholders.

Expanding Our Global Footprint with a Focus on Sustainability

Our search for alternative sites is driven by a comprehensive set of criteria that prioritize sustainability, regulatory stability, and economic viability. For example, in India, we are attracted by the growing tech industry and the government's increasingly positive stance towards digital innovation and infrastructure development. Ethiopia, with its commitment to green energy and significant hydropower resources, presents an opportunity to align our operations with sustainable energy sources. Meanwhile, Europe's robust regulatory framework and push towards renewable energy sources make it an attractive region for expanding our operations.

Evaluating Transition Feasibility with Precision

The feasibility of transitioning operations to these alternative sites is being meticulously evaluated through a multidimensional analysis. This includes assessing the regulatory landscape, energy costs and sources, local partnerships, and logistical considerations. Our goal is to ensure that any new location meets our operational needs and contributes to our long-term vision of sustainable and responsible Bitcoin mining.

Adaptability at the Heart of Our Strategy

Our strategy is inherently designed for adaptability, enabling us to navigate the complexities of the global regulatory and economic environment. Maintaining a flexible approach to operational planning allows us to respond swiftly to changes, minimize disruptions, and capitalize on opportunities that align with our growth objectives.

Commitment to Stakeholder Interests

Our dedication to transparency and stakeholder engagement remains paramount as we explore these new horizons. We are committed to keeping our shareholders informed of our progress and decisions, ensuring their interests are at the forefront of our strategic planning. Together, we believe in our collective ability to overcome challenges and seize the opportunities the dynamic global landscape presents.


Our strategic diversification is more than a response to regulatory headwinds — it's a testament to our commitment to growth, sustainability, and resilience. By exploring new territories and evaluating the feasibility of transitioning operations, we are not just adapting to change; we are shaping our future. As we continue on this journey, our focus remains on safeguarding our operations and stakeholders’ investments, driven by a vision of sustainable success in the ever-evolving Bitcoin mining world.

In addition, we pledge to maintain a commitment to continued transparency, updates, and communications. Keeping you informed and engaged is not just a priority but a core part of our strategy and philosophy. We understand the importance of clear and open communication, especially in times of change, and we promise to deliver just that. Your trust and partnership are invaluable to us, and we look forward to sharing our progress and achievements with you every step of the way.

So, what are you waiting for? Don't let this opportunity pass you by.
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Dylan Winn-Brown

Dylan Winn-Brown is a freelance web developer & Squarespace Expert based in the City of London.

Paraguayan Senate Embraces Bitcoin Mining: A Positive Shift for the Industry


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